المهارات الادارية والاشرافية والارشفة الالكترونية

Istanbul February 28, 2022

Praise be to God, the presentation of the program “Administrative and Supervisory Skills and Electronic Archiving”, which lasted for four days, was completed at the Grand Aras Hotel in Istanbul and was attended by a group of trainees from Libya under the supervision of the Exo Training Center.

استنبول 28 فبراير 2022

تم بحمد الله الانتهاء من تقديم برنامج “المهارات الادارية والاشرافية والارشفة الالكترونية” والذي استمر لمدة اربعة ايام في #فندق جراند أراس في استنبول / وحضره مجموعة من المتدربين من #ليبيا بإشراف مركز #اكسو للتدريب.

z_b_a #zaher_b_alabdo # زاهربشيرالعبدو # تدريب # تدريب_استنبول


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إعداد وكتابة التقارير الفنية

Istanbul February 18 2022

At the end of the fifth and final day of the training program that I am currently presenting entitled “Preparation and Writing of Technical Reports” for a group of participating professors from Libya under the supervision of the Exo Training Center

z_b_a #zaher_b_alabdo #زاهربشيرالعبدو #تدريب #تدريب_استنبول


استنبول 18 فبراير 2022

في نهاية اليوم الخامس والاخير من البرنامج التدريبي الذي أقدمه حاليا بعنوان “إعداد وكتابة التقارير الفنية” لمجموعة من الأساتذة المشاركين من ليبيا بإشراف مركز اكسو للتدريب

z_b_a #zaher_b_alabdo #زاهربشيرالعبدو #تدريب #تدريب_استنبول


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اختتام برنامج تنمية المهارات الاداريةوالاشرافية

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
Development of managerial and supervisory skills
Which was presented to a group of trainees from Libya – General Oil Corporation in Istanbul 29 Dec. 2021 – 01 Jan. 2022
This program was coordinated by Messrs. REFERENCE Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
تنمية المهارات الاداريةوالاشرافية
والذي تم تقديمه لمجموعة من المتدربين من ليبيا – المؤسسة العامة للنفط في استنبول للفترة من 29 Dec. 2021 – 01 Jan. 2022
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز ريفيرنس

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اختتام برنامج الأخصائي المعتمد في تنمية المواهب CPTD باللغة الانجليزية

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
Certified Professional in Talent Development
Which was presented online 27/12/2021 – 30/12/2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. Al Manhal Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
الأخصائي المعتمد في تنمية المواهب
والذي تم تقديمه أونلاين 27/12/2021 – 30/12/2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز المنهل

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اختتام برنامج حل المشكلات الابداعي و صناعة القرار “بالانجليزي”

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
Creative problem solving and Decision Making
Which was presented to a group of trainees from Uganda in Istanbul 25to 26 Dec. 2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. ZOE Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
حل المشكلات الابداعي و صناعة القرار
والذي تم تقديمه لمجموعة من المتدربين من أوغندا في استنبول للفترة من 25الى 26 ديسمبر 2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز ZOE

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اختتام برنامج مهارات التواصل المتقدمة “بالانجليزي”

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
Advanced Communication Skills
Which was presented to a group of trainees from Uganda in Istanbul 22 to 24 Dec. 2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. ZOE Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
مهارات التواصل المتقدمة
والذي تم تقديمه لمجموعة من المتدربين من أوغندا في استنبول للفترة من 22 الى 24 ديسمبر 2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز ZOE

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اختتام برنامج المنظومة المتكاملة لوظائف ومسارات إدارة الموارد البشرية الحديثة

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
The integrated system for the functions and tracks of modern human resource management
Which was presented to a group of trainees from Libya in Istanbul 11 to 14 Dec. 2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. REFERENCE Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
المنظومة المتكاملة لوظائف ومسارات إدارة الموارد البشرية الحديثة
والذي تم تقديمه لمجموعة من المتدربين من ليبيا في استنبول للفترة من 11 الى 14 ديسمبر 2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز ريفيرنس

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اختتام برنامج مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين في بيئة العمل

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
 Interpersonal skills in the work environment
Which was presented to a group of trainees from Libya in Istanbul 12 to 17 Dec. 2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. AlJohood Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين في بيئة العمل
والذي تم تقديمه لمجموعة من المتدربين من ليبيا في استنبول للفترة من 12 الى 17 ديسمبر 2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز الجهود

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اختتام برنامج تنفيذ الاستراتيجية “باللغة الانجليزية”

Praise be to God, the interactive learning program presented by the thinker and academic strategic management consultant has been concluded
Zaher Basheer Al Abdo PTST
Strategy Execution
Which was presented online 07/12/2021 – 09/12/2021
This program was coordinated by Messrs. Al Manhal Center
تم بحمد الله اختتام برنامج التعلم التفاعلي الذي قدمه مستشار الإدارة الاستراتيجية المفكر والأكاديمي
زاهر بشير العبدو PTST
تنفيذ الاستراتيجية
والذي تم تقديمه أونلاين 07/12/2021 – 09/12/2021
وقد قام بتنسيق هذا البرنامج السادة مركز المنهل

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جائزة مفكر الإدارة الإستراتيجية زاهر بشير العبدو في الإدارة التطبيقية

Zaher Bashir Al Abdo Strategic Management Thinker Award in Applied Management

للمزيد عن هذه الجائزة فضلاً راجع التفاصيل ف الرابط أدناه من موقع منظمة الإدارة العربية

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?What are balanced scorecards

?What are balanced scorecards

*Written by: Zaher Basheer Al Abdo

Strategic management thinker, writer, and researcher in institutional development.

What are balanced scorecards?

#Kaplan and #Norton‘s 1992 article in the #Harvard Business Review titled “The #Balanced_Scorecard for Measuring Performance Motivation” was an important reason for the journal’s increase in sales, and subsequently, “The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action” published in 1996
The results of #financial performance are a reflection of the mechanisms and method of dealing with funds within #organizations, which are important even in non-profit organizations. However, evaluating the results of organizations’ work according to financial indicators only suffers from shortcomings on the one hand:

1. Historical approach: It analyses the results of what has been done and ended and does not consider what is happening now or in the future.
2. Insufficient approach: because it does not measure the value of intangible assets.
That is why the balanced scorecards perspectives presented by Kaplan and Norton came as a strategic approach and a standard for management performance capable of translating the organization’s vision and strategy into an application based on four perspectives: “financial – customer – learning and growth – business processes” so that these perspectives allow in monitoring and measuring current performance to control achievement in the future.

In other words, the balanced scorecard provides the organization with tools for evaluating performance from various aspects of its activity and business results, as it adjusts the components of the goals groups that the organization seeks to achieve, and therefore the cards are a translation of the organization’s vision, mission, strategy, and strategic direction, as they produce exact goals with standards and indicators according to the four dimensions of each of them. According to a different perspective, i.e., multi-objective monitoring in planning, implementation, and development according to the PDD institutional excellence approach to measure overall performance from those four perspectives, as follows:

  • First: the financial perspective: The BSC approach has not overlooked the importance of the traditional need to monitor business results for accurate financial data. This perspective includes financial objectives such as: profitability, return on investment, product cost, cash flow, and is used to measure this financial ratios and various financial figures, and may Some see that these indicators are not important for organizations and institutions that do not aim for profit, such as charities and humanitarian organizations, but the reality is otherwise, even if it is not for profit, it must take into account the financial indicators and ways to control them in order to maintain the continuity of their activities and their distribution in order to achieve the best return according to its objectives.

  • Second: The customer’s perspective: The reality of the buyers’ market as a concept that drives the philosophy of modern management, on the one hand, that the customer will look for another supplier in the event that the company does not succeed in gaining his satisfaction and loyalty, and therefore the low performance of customer satisfaction is a regressive indicator despite the lack of a financial picture that may seem good In the short term, therefore, the analysis of reports on the types of customers and their level of satisfaction, trends and desires is crucial to the success of the organization, and for this the organization should direct its attention to studying the orientation of its customers and meet their needs and desires because they are the main source of income for the organization to cover the costs of providing its products / services in the first place and achieve Profits are in the second place, and therefore, according to this perspective, goals and indicators must be set that reflect the position of customers in relation to the organization, such as: the degree of loyalty, customer satisfaction, market share, the ability to attract the customer, customer profitability, and the ability to retain customers.

  • Third: The Learning and Growth Perspective: The components of the objectives and criteria for measuring this perspective are related to the capabilities that the organization must achieve in terms of individual competencies and core competencies in order to ensure work according to activities and operational plans capable of creating value and benefits for PRH owners, by focusing on the following three basic aspects:
  1. Creating the capabilities of the workers and controlling their direction to ensure the provision of useful and renewable knowledge and the provision of ways and tools for its investment that generates useful experiences that create an environment of creativity, improvement and continuous development, and this is done through education and development of workers within a well-studied interactive learning plan on the one hand, and measuring the level of employee satisfaction on the one hand, loyalty on the second hand, and their productivity on the third.
  2. Follow up, measure, and develop the efficiency and effectiveness of information systems, in order to ensure the provision of correct and accurate scheduling, classification and sorting of data and then analyzing them in order to reach information capable of drawing trends that support decision makers and decision takers in developing the results of the organization’s work on the one hand, and overcoming the problems that stand in the way of its work on the other hand.
  3. Ensuring the creation of incentive and delegation programs and the accountability of employees. This approach ensures greater effectiveness of business results, as it constitutes one of the three pillars of successful leadership, especially after setting goals at all levels and providing tools and requirements to achieve them and ensuring the understanding of implementation mechanisms for those concerned with them.


  • Fourth: The perspective of the business process and internal systems: This perspective is integrated with the contents of the previous two perspectives in terms of qualifying and training workers and directing the organization’s behaviour and its organizational and administrative culture.
    It is important to follow up on measuring the organization’s internal systems to ensure the provision of a competitive environment among them, the most important of which are:
  1. Renewal system: especially with regard to research and development, the number of patents, and the number of new products.
  2. Production system: especially with regard to the quality of products, and production deadlines.
  3.  After-sales service system: especially customer reception skills, and problem-solving controls.

In this context, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of integrating initiatives, activities, programmes, projects, and plans, when possible, in a way that ensures saving time and expenditures without affecting the quality of the outputs, bearing in mind that success in creating integration between the outputs of the four perspectives is extremely important in strengthening the situation Competitiveness and achieving and maintaining competitive advantage.

What are the shortcomings that need to be addressed?
We can see the shortcomings of BSC Balanced Scorecards from two main aspects:

The origin of its concept is based on the components of Hoshin Kanri based on the concept of industrial quality in the first place, without expanding to suit administrative processes in a way that enhances its importance and diversity, and its inclusion in the rest of the controls of the needs of the positive role holders PRH.

Not taking them into account structurally, in what is appropriate for government service organizations in general, especially those associations and non-profit organizations, where the financial perspective becomes much less important than it is in profit organizations in general and business organizations in particular.


The original article is from the author’s website at the following link





















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?What is Hoshin Kanri

?What is Hoshin Kanri

*Written by: Zaher Basheer Al Abdo

Strategic management thinker, writer, and researcher in institutional development.

This proposition comes as a continuation of what I discussed in this regard in my book “Integration or Death.. Strategic Management by Integration #MBI, 2018″, where I discussed in the first topic of Chapter Eight under the title “What are the deficiencies of KPI’s performance indicators” by Parmenter after we found that the foundations of scorecards Balanced #BSC introduced by #Kaplan and #Norton drew its roots from the Japanese concept of #Hoshin_Kanri.
In fact, what made me go back to talking about this subject before the publication of my book ” #Indicators of #Institutional #Excellence and #Strategic #Development” were two things that made me discuss this content with experienced and specialized people in order to take into account the results of that in my next book.

Since this topic is based on important basic concepts, I found that I reformulated those concepts in useful and brief terms to benefit from them in building what I would like to present from an applied intellectual development in this context.

What is Hoshin Kanri?
Hoshin’s philosophy was first introduced in the sixties of the last century within the #management practices of #Toyota, #Bridgestone, #Nabibone, and others as a result of working according to the content of the #PDCA #Deming_circle on the one hand, and the content of management with the goals presented by #Peter_Drucker, and the propositions of #Juran, after that the applied concept of Hoshin developed during the seventies Up to what was published by the #Japan_Standards_Association for a series of works based on Hoshin practices in 1988, and the Hoshin application moved to America in the eighties and was applied with special models from Hoshin Kanri in each of #Xerox, #Procter & Campbell, and #Hewlett Packard…
The basis of the Hoshin plan is based on reviewing the results of the previous year to build the new plan, provided that it includes a series of activities of the organization within periodic planning tables, where the results of implementation are reviewed in comparison with what is planned to make the appropriate correction or improvement, and Hoshin planning can be expressed as employing the #quality policy in the #organization.
The difficulty of applying Hoshin in some organizations is due to the necessity of strict application, long-term commitment and continuous support from senior management, because the goals of penetration must be stable for five years. Using measurement standards that monitor implementation to ensure continuity of continuous improvement of the organization’s core operations.
Note that the Japanese concept of Kanri is a management concept that expresses periodic planning and is applied at two levels:

  1. The strategic level, which focuses on a specific number of #strategic goals between 2 to 5 called the goals of #penetration, adopts the completion of significant improvements at the level of the work of the organization or one of its departments.
  2. The daily level: It is based on the continuity of the flow of activities as the basics of daily work. It is important to monitor them to take corrective actions in a timely manner in accordance with the content of continuous improvement #Kaizen.


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